Join Now
Participants are drawn from a wide cross-section of industry and Key Domains and include service providers, system integrators, vendors, consultants, and suppliers in the Industry 4.0 space.
MIFA participants have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of Industry 4.0 initiatives and events, with the opportunity to provide input into the future direction and growth of Industry 4.0 in Malaysia.
MIFA membership confers a range of benefits:
- Collaboration opportunities with Malaysian and global companies addressing IR4.0 issues and implementation.
- Official recommendation from MIFA for selected active members to participate in government related projects or grants.
- Prioritization for active members in MIFA’s events and activities, such as showcase demonstrations and trainings.
- Prioritization for active members in any IR4.0 initiatives, projects and commercialization.
- Unlimited access to digital library and knowledge bank materials and outputs (MIFA’s newsletters) such as the latest papers on technology, solution and security.
- Premium listing in MIFA’s Members Directory, profile, visibility and reach.
- Exclusive business matching program and networking.
- Active contribution and participation in national education and awareness programs for Industrial Revolution.
- Strong and active influencer in policy and regulation development with government stakeholders.
Join MIFA today and be part of a dynamic platform that welcomes members from all backgrounds, including Bumiputera, Chinese, Indian, and other communities. Together, we drive innovation and collaboration in the industry.
Types of Membership

Pro Rate Price
Pro-rate Fee: Members who join between January and June will pay the normal renewal rate. Members who join between July and December will pay half the annual fee.
Please send your payment to the following account details :
Bank Name : Maybank Berhad
Beneficiary Name : Pertubuhan Industri Forward Malaysia
Account Number : 5648 4712 2939